Section 10: Evidence-Based Programs and Interventions

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 10: Evidence-Based Programs and Interventions << BACK TO MAIN PAGE Average Annual Earnings for Project QUEST and Non-Participants Given cost pressures at colleges, identifying interventions that can have the greatest impact on student success is vital. [...]

2023-10-20T13:34:33-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 8: Texas College Attainment

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 8: Texas College Attainment << BACK TO MAIN PAGE Annual Earnings, Full-Time U.S. Workers: 25th, 50th, and 75th Percentiles (2018) Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment (February 2020, Seasonally Adjusted) The U.S. Census Bureau reports that higher [...]

2023-10-20T13:31:01-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 7: Need and Work

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 7: Need and Work << BACK TO MAIN PAGE Average Unmet Need for Students in Texas by Income Category and Sector (Fall 2016) Average EFC for Students in Texas by Income Category and Sector (Fall 2016) [...]

2023-10-20T13:31:27-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 6: Loans

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 6: Loans << BACK TO MAIN PAGE HHL-CAL Loan Volume by Award Year (in Millions of Dollars)* The Hinson-Hazlewood College Access Loan (HHL-CAL) is the largest of the loan programs that the State of Texas offers [...]

2023-10-20T13:31:51-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 3: Profile of Texas College Students

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 3: Profile of Texas College Students << BACK TO MAIN PAGE Undergraduate Enrollment by Location and Sector (Fall 2018) Almost half Texas undergraduates attended public two-year institutions in the fall of 2018, far higher than the [...]

2023-10-20T13:33:10-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 2: Texas College Readiness

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 2: Texas College Readiness << BACK TO MAIN PAGE SAT Average Scores for 2019 High School Graduates More than 200,000 Texas high school seniors and 2.2 million high school seniors nationwide — well over half the [...]

2023-10-20T13:33:37-05:00May 7, 2020|

Section 1: Texas Demographics

State of Student Aid in Texas - 2020 Section 1: Texas Demographics << BACK TO MAIN PAGE Texas Population by Age in Millions and Percentage of Total in Each Year: 2010 and 2050 (Projected*) Projected* 2050 Population by Age and Ethnicity in Texas From 2010 [...]

2023-10-20T13:34:02-05:00May 7, 2020|

General Information


Phone: (800) 222-6297
Fax: (512) 336-6551

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Phone: (800) 530-1449

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time

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Trellis Collections
P.O. Box 659602
San Antonio, TX 78265-9602

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