Legally mandated student loan exit counseling attempts to prepare borrowers of federal student loans for the repayment process; yet, researchers hypothesized that the online [...]

This study examines the borrowing and repayment habits of students who take developmental education coursework in higher education, compared to their peers who do [...]
This study examines how variables derived from Austin Community College's (ACC) institutional systems are related to default outcomes for the group of ACC borrowers [...]
Contrary to popular wisdom on college savings, national data show that bachelor's recipients who transferred from community colleges tend to borrow as much, if [...]
This guide is intended as a primer on federal student loan CDRs for postsecondary school administrators and other parties who want to learn more [...]
This report examines the state of financial aid, higher education completion, and financial literacy in Texas, as well as the current job market and [...]
This policy brief provides a summary on the background, eligibility requirements, renewal qualifications, and student loan forgiveness provisions for this loan program offered to [...]
Using data from national sources, this report examines debt-to-income ratios for various majors and occupations and assesses the financial boost students may get from [...]
This report to the 82nd regular session of the Texas Legislature examines multiple, converging issues related to student loan debt in Texas. In particular, [...]
The report highlights effective strategies at three schools in Texas chosen for their higher than average persistence, workforce placement, and Pell recipient rates, and [...]