Amid constant change and institutional reforms, advisors are called upon to serve as a central figure in students’ educational journeys beyond degree planning and course [...]

This webinar provides a comprehensive look at the financial challenges facing Texas students. Drawing on the recent Fall 2021 Student Financial Wellness Survey which includes [...]
Using the student responses from 40 colleges and universities in Texas that participated in the Fall 2021 Student Financial Wellness Survey, this infographic covers [...]
This brief shows 1) student loan and other non-mortgage consumer debt balances from 2005 to 2021, and 2) average student and total consumer debt [...]
One of the leading sources on student mental health is the Healthy Minds Study (HMS)—an annual, web-based study conducted by the Healthy Minds Network. [...]
To help close educational gaps and encourage students to enroll in postsecondary education, we must work to boost FAFSA completion rates. Watch this roundtable discussion [...]
FAFSA completion rates by state as of February 10, 2023. DOWNLOAD THE INFOGRAPHIC
The statewide FAFSA completion rate in Texas was 57 percent in fall 2021 and varied from 54 percent in the East Texas region to [...]
This brief examines data from 59,208 students at 104 higher education institutions that participated in Trellis’ Fall 2021 Student Financial Wellness Survey (SFWS). The [...]
The Student Financial Aid Research Network (SFARN) is a conference that brings researchers, financial aid specialists, and college access professionals together to network, share [...]