Physiological and psychological needs, such as food, shelter, and good mental health, are paramount to student retention and success. These resources are typically available through [...]
The CARES Act allowed student loan repayment to be postponed for 3+ years. Student loan payments will begin for borrowers in October 2023. We [...]
Student retention, defined as first-time, full-time college students returning to the institution for their second year, is associated with greater student persistence and graduation rates. [...]
This webinar provides a comprehensive look at results of the fall 2022 Student Financial Wellness Survey for independent colleges and universities, which includes responses [...]
According to Harvard University, Summer melt is a common problem, especially among low-income students. Many high-school graduates who have been accepted to college and [...]
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs estimates that 900,000 veterans and their dependents utilize veteran education benefits each year (VA, 2020). In addition, the [...]

Students who are less prepared for college are less likely to return for a second year. Preparing them for academic and social environments that [...]
The University of Texas System and Dallas College have developed online tools to promote informed decisions regarding programs of study and their expected earnings [...]
Helping new students matriculate at a college can be difficult. At open-enrollment or near-open colleges, students may be making a choice between your college, [...]
Amid constant change and institutional reforms, advisors are called upon to serve as a central figure in students’ educational journeys beyond degree planning and course [...]